It should be made clear that in order to live a Christian life, any Christian must be able to discriminate and hate, because that's what the bible says. YEAH, GET WITH THE PROGRAM - MORE SITUPS, MORE PUSHUPS In the end all your knees will bow to Jesus Christ whether you want to or not. PRO-LIFER SPIRITUAL EXERCISE FOR THE DAY I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good. Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism. We want theocracy. Theocracy means God rules. We will find you, we will try you, and we will execute you. I mean every word of it. [Talking about doctors who perform abortions and their volunteer safety escorts.] THE DEVILISHLY CLEVER SUBVERSION TECHNIQUE - SATAN WOULD BE PROUD I want to be invisible. I do guerilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't know until election night. They call them extremists. We have our own names. We call them senators, congressmen, governors, mayors, state legislators. We've learned how to move under radar in the cover of the night with shrubbery strapped to our helmets. I honestly believe that in my lifetime we will see a country once again governed by Christians ... and Christian values. What Christians have got to do it take back this country. FUNDAMENTALIST FANATACISM - JUST SAY NO. Fundamentalism isn't about religion. It's about power. JERRY FALWELL'S MORAL MAJORITY IS "NewSpeak" FOR THE IMMORAL MINORITY If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being. AIDS is the wrath of a just God against homosexuals. To oppose it would be like an Israelite jumping in the Red Sea to save one of Pharoah's chariotters. Billy Graham is the chief servant of Satan in America. We're fighting against humanism, we're fighting against liberalism... we are fighting against all the systems of Satan that are destroying our nation today...our battle is with Satan himself. I hope I live to see the day, when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be! I listen to femininsts and all these radical gals -- most of them failures. These women just need a man in the house. That's all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. They blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're sexist. They hate men -- that's their problem. The decline in American pride, patiotism, and piety can be directly attributed to the extensive reading of so-called science fiction by our young people. This poisonous rot ... keeps our young people from realizing the true will of God.
YES, THERE IS ACTUALLY SOME SANITY ON THE RIGHT Personally, I think every good Christian ought to kick Falwell's ass. I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A", "B", "C", and "D". Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me? And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate ... in the name of "conservatism." THE CHRISTIAN COALITION'S FAKE-FAITH-HEALER LEADER: PAT ROBERTSON The mission of the Christian Coalition is simple. It is to mobilize Christians--one precinct at a time, one community at a time--until once again we are ... at the top rather than the bottom of our political system. The Christian Coalition will be the most powerful political force in America by the end of this decade. We have enough votes to run this country. There is no such thing as separation of church and state in the Constitution. It is a lie of the left and we are not going to take it anymore. I am bound by the laws of the United States .... I am not bound by any case or any court to which I myself am not a party.... I don't think the Congress or the United States is subservient to the courts.... They can ignore a Supreme Court ruling if they so choose. [Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. [Planned Parenthood] is teaching kids to fornicate, teaching people to have adultery, every kind of bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism--everything that the Bible condemns. I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period. You say you're supposed to be nice to the Episcopalians and the Presbytarians and the Methodists and this, that, and the other thing. Nonsense. I don't have to be nice to the spirit of the Antichrist. God told the Israelites to kill them all - men, women and children, to destroy them. And that seems to be a terrible thing to do. Is it? Or isn't it? Well, let us assume there were 2,000 of them, or 10,000... God said 'Kill them all.' Well, that would seem hard, wouldn't it? That would probably be 10,000 people who would probably go to Hell. But, if they stayed and reproduced, in 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 or 100 more years, they could conceivably be - 10,000 would go to 100,000 - 100,000 could conceivably go to a million. And then, there would be a million people who would have to spend eternity in Hell! So, God, in love, took away a small number that he might not have to take away a large number. --Pat Robertson, May 6, 1985, trying his best GEE BARBARA, WITHOUT DIVISIVENESS AND INTOLERANCE WHAT WOULD THEY DO? How could the Pat Robertsons and the Pat Buchanans, presuming to be the spokespeople for God, spew such doctrines of divisiveness, intolerance and inhumanity? Who is that God? LEGENDS IN THEIR OWN MIND: THE TWINS TOWERS OF INTOLERANCE I see these two legendary men [Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson] as symbolic of the American dream. Their position atop a vast ONE OF GOD'S LITTLE MURDERERS I acted alone on God's orders. ANOTHER OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT'S FAVORITE MURDERERS There is no question that deadly force should be used to protect innocent life. I definitely feel good about what I have done and what I am doing. I think I have acted nobly. DAVID TROSCH: defender of PAUL HILL, bomber ERIC RUDOLPH, and other religious killers Whatever God commands is not an evil, but a good. The execution of abortionists is a command of God and is a good means used to produce a good end.According to Reverand Trosch, even pharmacists might eventually become targets. "I would see no problem with shooting a pharmacist", who provided a "morning after pill" to women who seek to terminate their pregnancies.From Trosch's website concerning Eric Rudolph's four deadly bombings: 1. Olympic Park Bombing - offenses against 1st Commandment (false gods)Note: the Catholic Church has reprimanded Trosch but has not excommunicated him, despite his extreme intolerance, reprehensible lack of morals and personal depravity. THE RUTHERFORD INSTITUTE - the Religious Right's most potent attack dog in the legal arena. The public education system, which includes the entire educational structure up through the university level, must be reinstalled with Christian theism.Note: John Whitehead's Rutherford Institute represents various right-wing religious groups. Whitehead, who represented Paula Jones (surely just a coincidence), says he "condemns violence," yet he offered to represent pro-life murderer Paul Hill, who cooly ended the lives of an abortion doctor and bodyguard with shotgun blasts to their heads. CHRISTIAN RECONSTRUCTIONIST LEADER ROUSAS J. RUSHDOONY: God in His law requires the death penalty for homosexuals.Note: Rushdoony is a former Presbytarian minister, a John Birch Society operative and a long-time conservative leader. Although, many evangelicals now want to distance themselves from his extreme beliefs, his Reconstructionism has had a profound influence on people like Randall Terry, Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and many others. Rushdoony is a member of the secretive Council for National Policy (CNP), originally started in the reactionary circles of the radical right, particularly the John Birch Society. The CNP is now a MARTIN LUTHER - FATHER OF PROTESTANTISM Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his Reason. Reason must be deluded, blinded, and destroyed. Faith must trample underfoot all reason, sense, and understanding, and whatever it sees must be put out of sight and ... know nothing but the word of God. The word and works of God is quite clear, that women were made either to be wives or prostitutes. Even though they grow weary and wear themselves out with child-bearning, it does not matter, let them go on bearing children till they die, that is what they are there for. If I had to baptise a Jew, I would take him to the bridge of the Elbe, hang a stone around his neck and push him over with the words "I baptise thee in the name of Abraham." The Jews deserve to be hanged on gallows, seven times higher than ordinary thieves. We ought to take revenge on the Jews and kill them. RELIGIOUS FACTS ABOUT ADOLPH HITLER History is being distorted by many preachers and politicians. They are heard on the airwaves condemning atheists and routinely claim Adolph Hitler was one. Hitler was a Roman Catholic, baptized into the religio-political institution as an infant in Austria. He became a communicant and an altar boy in his youth and was confirmed as a "soldier of Christ" in that church. He greatly admired Martin Luther, who openly hated the Jews. Hitler's Germany amalgamated state with church. Soldiers of the vermacht wore belt buckles inscribed with the following: "Gott mit uns" (God is with us). His troops were often sprinkled with holy water by the priests. It was a real Christian country whose citizens were indoctrinated by both state and church and blindly followed all authority figures, political and ecclesiastical. Hitler, like some of today's politicians and preachers, politicized MARTIN LUTHER'S 20TH CENTURY SOULMATE SPEAKS Any violence which does not spring from a spiritual base, will be wavering and uncertain. It lacks the stability which can only rest in a fanatical outlook. (from Mein Kampf) This human world of ours would be inconceivable without the practical existence of a religious belief. (from Mein Kampf) I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord's work. Secular schools can never be tolerated because such schools have no religious instruction ... all character training and religion must be derived from faith ... we need believing people. I have followed [the Church] in giving our party program the character of unalterable finality, like the Creed. The Church has never allowed the Creed to be interfered with.... The Church has realized that anything and everything can be built up on a document of that sort, no matter how contradictory or irreconcilable with it. The faithful will swallow it whole, so long as logical reasoning is never allowed to be brought to bear on it. (speech, Reichstag, 1936) YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY: FEMALE CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIESTS Priestesses should be burnt at the stake because they are assuming powers they have no right to. In the medieval world that was called sorcery. The way of dealing with sorcerers was to burn them at the stake. It's illegal now but if I had my way that is what would happen to them. In medieval times, I would burn the bloody bitches. THE BIBLE SUPPORTING SLAVERY The right of holding slaves is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures, both by precept and example. THE BIBLE USED AS PERMISSION FOR WHATEVER IMMORAL ACTS ONE FINDS CONVENIENT I draw my warrant from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to hold the slave in bondage. AND GOD SAID MASSIVE MAIL FRAUD MIGHT ALSO HAVE A PROMISING FUTURE It's not listed in the Bible, but my spiritual gift, my specific calling from God, is to be a television talk-show host. GEE, I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST ILLITERATE. Jim Bakker spells his name with 2 k's because 3 would be too obvious. WORDS FROM ANOTHER WELL-KNOWN EVANGELICAL HYPOCRITE Evolution is a bankrupt speculative philosophy ... only athiests could accept this Satanic theory. The minister of the Gospel is really the yardstick by which the nation measures its morals. If I do not return to the pulpit this weekend, millions of people will go to hell. Sex education classes in our public schools are promoting incest. ( So, to avoid that potential, Jimmy hired PROSTITUTES for his own sex education. ) SEX ABUSE TENDENCIES OF THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT A disturbing fact continues to surface in sex abuse research. ... the second best predictor is conservative religiosity.... If you want to know which children are most likely to be sexually abused by their father, the second most significant clue [behind alcoholism] is whether or not the parents belong to a conservative religious group.... FEAR OF DAYLIGHT FROM THE FOLKS WHO BROUGHT YOU THE DARK AGES Freedom of the press is one of the greatest evils threatening modern society. Freedom of the press was universally one of the most pernicious of the evils of the day. OF COURSE NOWADAYS WE PREFER PAPER SHREDDERS We found a great number of books...and since they contained nothing but superstitions and falsehoods of the Devil we burned them all. HEY, THAT DARWIN MUST HAVE BEEN ONE BUSY DUDE This monkey mythology of Darwin is the cause of permissiveness, promiscuity, propyhlactics, perversions, pregnancies, abortions, pornography, pollutions, poisoning and proliferation of crimes of all types. HMM, EVOLUTION ALMOST SEEMS GODLIKE TO BE ABLE TO SPAWN ALL THAT Evolution is the root of atheism, of communism, nazism, behaviorism, racism, economic imperialism, militarism, libertinism, anarchism, and all manner of anti-Christian systems of belief and practice. PROTECTING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, BUBBA-STYLE The Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution (Article I, Section 4) No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office, or public trust, in this state; nor shall anyone be excluded from holding office on account of his religious sentiments; provided he acknowledges the existence of a supreme being. WIMP OR NOT, ARISTOCRATS DON'T REALLY UNDERSTAND DEMOCRACY No, I don't know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God. THE TROLL WHO WOULD BE KING. We are engaged in a social, political, and cultural war. There's a lot of talk in America about pluralism. But the bottom line is somebody's values will prevail. And the winner gets the right to teach our children what to believe. ACTUALLY IT'S JUST A REFRESHER COURSE I was at Bible camp, learning how to be more judgemental. SOME RELIGIOUS CON MEN EVEN LET YOU IN ON THEIR DECEPTION Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion. And on the lighter side ... After a Christian Fundamentalist scientific calculation had determined that the earth was 12,000 years old, here's an explanation for dinosaur fossils: God created dinosaurs when he created man. But he kept them on one side of the earth while he kept Adam and Eve on the other side. Then he killed off all of the dinosaurs and hurled their bodies to the other side of the planet, tilting the planet on its axis. And that's why the earth revolves around the sun - the impact from God's dinosaurs tilted the earth into its rotation. |